The Future of Healing

1-1 Visual Healing

There are many ways to work with me 1-1 to clear your issues, via a visual medium!

What this consists of is a digital image channeled for you, created remotely (which means I will e-mail you with your product), using several cutting edge Soul Pattern™ and Shamanic Painting Techniques. Included are insights and suggestions for inspired action.

The list is always growing, for my visual healing techniques, but as of right now, I mix the following techniques:

  • A Pattern Stitch: This will help clear anything in the way of manifesting a goal (ie. A 5K+ business income, a new romantic relationship, etc) I am literally “stitching” it into your reality, but you must take inspired action and play close attention to the insights you receive, included with your image.
  • Cellular Pattern: This will help identify issues and clear them from your cells, I will be able to increase their health, resistance, even remove any emotional issues they may be carrying. This is ideal if you have been struggling with an illness.
  • Timeline Edit: If you feel like your life isn’t going as well as you would like, this will correct your path and get you on the highest timeline available to you right now.
  • Relationship Mending/Clearing: If you and your significant other are having issues, this will help remove what is in the way from a deeper, more fulfilling relationship. For the best results, both parties must agree.
  • Soul Fragment Repair: Recommended to those who have a lot of trauma to release from the past. This may be abuse, rape, anything resulting in PTSD, etc.
  • Energetic Degunk/Higher Self Connection: Clears your energy field, similar to a degunk, and also connects you to your higher self. You will experience a stronger connection.
  • Alignment Edit: If you feel like you’re not in your full alignment in business, your soul purpose, or anything else, this will be perfect. It’s the visual version of what I would do with the Soul Pattern™ script.
  • Rose Womb Healing: This is a womb portrait that will clear issues with PMS, PMDD, menstrual cycles, cysts, etc.
  • Allergy Healing
  • Heart Healing
  • Psychic Gift Activation
  • Lemurian, Atlantean, Fairy, and Mermaid languages

I will combine these techniques, or you can specify your issues.