The Future of Healing


Divine Feminine DNA Activation

Divine Feminine DNA Activation

Through this Divine Feminine DNA activation, we are activating the Sophia within you.

Releasing everything that is blocking you from fully owning your feminine nature. False beliefs, veils, all kinds of trauma, societal conditioning. Past life experiences. 

If you have been conditioned to play it small for being a woman. To fit into society’s mold, this 75-minute meditation is for YOU!

There are a few different Goddesses involved with this process, such as Brigid, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Aphrodite, and Sophia of course.

Download this powerful recording for only $77 below.

Covid Variant Recording (2021 Updated)

Covid Variant Recording (2021 Updated)

This recording serves to clear, prevent and help with immunization to the covid variants. In combination with a healthy lifestyle and emotional management, it will help you stay healthy, and you may also share this with your children. It doesn’t mean you will not get the virus, as your Higher Self is in charge, but it is a huge help if your energy is open. During the recording, I’m:

  • Working on your DNA strands
  • Clearing allergies
  • Clearing false beliefs
  • Clearing oaths, vows, and contracts
  • Cleansing your body energetically
  • Running powerful immunity scripts
Virus Reversal Recording

Virus Reversal Recording

Remove and reject the negative effects of the covid-19 vaccine with this short recording. 

Covid19 Healing (2020)

Covid19 Healing (2020)

This package is designed to help you prevent colds, flus and especially covid19. This is not a guarantee that you will not get it, but it should be a support as long as you are living a balanced lifestyle and getting enough exercise and nutrition. Contains:

  • 1 Virus cell pattern (printable image)
  • 1 Immunity image (printable)
  • Hour-long call
  • Bonus immunity recording
Lemurian DNA Activation

Lemurian DNA Activation

This hour-long recording will activate 55,000 Lemurian DNA strands, and help you connect to your Lemurian guides, dolphins, and activate your Lemurian sacred geometry. It will also help you create timeline shifts, and features a Lemurian Temple journey. 

Soul Pattern™ Synergy Recording

Soul Pattern™ Synergy Recording

I have recorded a gorgeous half-hour synergy of Soul Pattern™ Magic <3 This recording has magic from almost all levels of Soul Pattern™, as well as Fairy Healing (which is a component of Soul Pattern™ as well). It’s an incredible meditation to listen to a few times per week as it really covers many different pain points.

This meditation includes:

  • An Energetic Degunk: To clear you of any and all stagnant energy, using Soul Pattern™ Gold.
  • A Daily Cord Cutting between you and anyone you have interacted with today
  • A Full Chakra Degunk using Soul Pattern Silver™
  • An Energetic Shield to keep the low vibes out using Soul Pattern™ Titanium
  • Fairy Allergy Healing for: The modality itself, money, wealth, relationships of all kinds, yourself and your body parts, as well as food allergies: eggs, nuts, seeds, fish, gluten, bread, and dairy.
  • Abundant Goddess Frequency: Helps you with your ability to receive. Downloads what it is like to embody the Divine Feminine with money.
  • Happiness and Joy frequency: Raises your vibration, inviting more happiness and joy into your life, and disconnects you from the low vibrational collective energy. 
  • Mermaid Magic: Helps you tap into a higher frequency, activates your creativity, joy and elevates your finances. It will also help unlock your manifestation abilities, and navigate turbulent waters.
  • Treasure Chest Frequency: Helps align your energy to earn money and inspire you with product and business ideas so you can sell and create offers that will help your clients and anyone who needs them. 
  • Permission to be Fearless Frequency: Tapping into your brave self. Works with Ganesh to remove obstacles, cuts through lower energy timelines, gives you the courage to leap without any fear. Helps release deep seated fears from the shadows and from the collective energy. 
Goddess Infusion Call

Goddess Infusion Call

I am honoured, and excited to present to you a sacred feminine recording in which I have infused a series of Soul Pattern™ Infusions from each of the following Goddesses:

  • Mother Mary: Nurturing, mothering instincts 
  • Mary Magdalene: Mood swings, irritability, being in flow and boundaries 
  • Quan Yin: Patience, flow, alignment
  • Isis: Choice, Magic, Discernment Ancient Egyptian temple 
  • Lakshmi: Overflow. Money. Gold, cornucopia 
  • Sophia: All of Creation within us. Manifestation.  Clouds ☁️ 
  • Kali Ma: The ability to destroy what is not working in our lives and rebuild, as much as we need to. Fire 🔥 
  • Persephone: Bridge between worlds. Renewal. 
  • Brigid: Oneness. Earth connection, Gaia connection. Woods. Earth.
  • Goddess Diana: “too masculine” hunting moon Chastity 
  • Green Tara: Compassion, forgiveness.
  • Goddess Diana: “too masculine” hunting moon Chastity 
  • Athena: Goddess of war, crafts and wisdom, law justice courage
  • Amphitrite: Ocean water goddess
  • Joan of Arc: helping women be braver 

What is an Infusion? An Infusion connects you and calls in the essence of a particular energy into yours, and in this case, will allow you to feel Oneness, Equality and to see the characteristics of a particular Goddess within you. It will also allow you to call upon this Goddess with ease, and develop a connection to her. This call is all about stepping into your Sovereignty.  I am doing some belief and energy clearing before actually running the energies. And guess what? I’m also activating your Goddess DNA in this recording. 

Hour-long call at $55

Allergies Release

Allergies Release

This is a short recording that will release the allergies to people, healers, the energy of people and animals, as well as healing modalities, and it will additionally cut unnecessary cords between you and others. Only 4 minutes long, and ideal for daily use, as needed.

The Quarantine Release Call

The Quarantine Release Call

In this recording, I cleared allergies, cords, negative emotions all related to the Covid19 quarantine period. Additionally, I ran some money and some Divine Feminine energies and DNA activation. It was absolutely magical and HUGE shifts were noticed within households.

You can get it for only $22 below, along with all the visual healing I did.

The Compassion Call

The Compassion Call

This is a hour-long call with a focus on opening our hearts to others, and activating our heart centre.

There is also a powerful Soul fragment repair, anchoring into our truth, Mermaid Healing™ Journey, energetic shielding, our perspective of beings who don’t share our perspective of life, as well as letting go of violence and trauma. 

Leadership DNA

Leadership DNA

This is a 17-minute meditation that helps you step into your role as a leader. It contains:

  • Removal of OVC’s in the way of expressing and embodying your truth
  • Veils of illusion removed
  • A special gift/journey from Sophia
  • Leadership DNA activated
Spring Energies (2020)

Spring Energies (2020)

I have recorded 3 separate recordings. (because they are quite intense all in one shot!!)

Spring Cleanse: This recording aligns you to the Spring season, helps release allergies related to this time of year, offers Rose Womb Healing, which helps clear issues from your womb, ie. Period, PMS, etc.

Spring Frequencies and Attunements:

  • Chrysalis: Facilitates your expansion, transformation, and activates your wings. Places you in an energetic cocoon so that you’re maintained at a high frequency while you shift.
  • Ancient Caterpillar Attunement: Ancient knowledge. Helps you shift your perspective of life and the Universe, so that you may be open to endless possibilities. Knowing that you can and will shift for the better.
  • Miracle of life: Helps you see the little everyday miracles, as well as feel gratitude and joy. Will raise your vibration and help you see the glass “half full”.
  • Persephone Attunement: Helps you perceive and embody new energy in your life, all while releasing the old, as well as negative relationships and situations. The Goddess Persephone will help you with this “Spring Cleaning”.
  • Flower of Gaia: Helps your root chakra. Helps you feel grounded and centred in the earth and release anxiety and fear.
  • Resilience: Helps you find your own inner strength and handle any situation you may encounter, as well as better stress and anxiety management.
  • Wisdom of the Goddess: Helps you embody your divine feminine energy, intuition, and discernment. Improves your connection to the Goddesses.

Fairy Degunk and Fairy Cleanse

This energy will ground you, clear your chakras and energy field, as well as sparkle you with pixie dust!! You will feel sparkly and magical and more connected to the fairies as a result.

Want them all? No problem!

Wellness Package

Wellness Package

This package is designed for healing physical ailments, and everything around this. It includes 4 recordings:

  • 1 Million Strand DNA activation
  • Oaths Vows and Contracts with western medicine
  • Holiday & Cold/Flu
  • Digestive Cleanse, allergies and cravings


I have been told that many of the beloved characters we know in pop culture are fairy goddesses as well!

I have connected with a few of them and channeled these amazing energies that will help you embody some of their attributes.

  • Snow White Attunement: Will help you manifest a soulmate, embody your inner and outer beauty with grace, as well as release fears and shed ego.
  • Your Inner Warrior (Katniss inspired): To help you stand up and embrace your inner rebel. Helps you have courage, but also embrace your own innocence and purity.
  • Tinkerbell: Helps you embody fun, creativity, joy and humor. Expands your heart space.
  • Cinderella Attunement: removes poverty contracts, victim mentality, and Disconnects you from the drama of relatives and friends. Activates your Cinderella DNA.
  • Alice Attunement: Activates your sense of discovery, curiosity, and inquisitiveness. Connects you to the energy of the colors of the rainbow, and creativity. Activates your sensuality.
  • Serena: helps you step into your power when needed. Removes self-sabotage and binging. heart-moon
  • Your Inner Galactic Princess: (Princess Leia inspired) Connects you to your inner priestess or shaman. It helps you solve conflicts and create diplomacy. It gives you strength and poise.
  • Joan of Arc Attunement: Allows you to set your eye on your goals and manifestations. Disconnects you from drama and the news, as well as gossip. Opens your heart space so that you may feel an increased empathy towards your town, country or planet.
  • Peach: Helps you stop running away from your problems, and gives you the courage to face your truth. Releases trauma around abuse, torture or harassment.
  • Thumbelina Attunement: Allows you to feel big and to stop playing small, or run away from your success. You are bigger than you think. Releases oaths, vows or contracts not to have success in business or in romance.


  • Golden fairy dust: to call in money with the fairies.
Breast and Hormones Recording 

Breast and Hormones Recording 

There were 3 women in the waiting room that were about to be told they had breast cancer, and had no idea.

It was that moment, in that doctor’s office, that I vowed that this would end. I would do everything in my power to heal it.

That April morning in 2017, I was not sure how I managed to be so calm. You see I had a biopsy done. And luckily it was a benign mass.

That was the day that my 4 month appointment after appointment torture, which began December 13th 2016, came to an end and I lost all faith in western medicine.

Since then I have helped many women with their health issues and downloaded a healing modality that grants immunity to diseases.

I stand for giving women a gentle healing approach, without waiting endlessly for test results and appointments and being treated like a number.

So join Sophia (Divine Feminine) & myself in a sacred female circle where we will heal our bodies like never before, removing allergies, growths, and whatever else comes up for the group.  Through Soul Pattern™, & Shamanic Painting™ / digital artwork as a bonus!!

This recording is $55!

Divine Sexuality

Divine Sexuality

What better feeling is there, than to feel loved, wanted…desired?

Some of our most profound magic can come from it. Artwork, songs, poetry, music, you name it!

Are you ready to ignite these emotions? Whether you’re partnered up, or single, if we have no passion in our lives, it makes it harder to ENJOY the moment!! To feel ALIVE! And even to feel beautiful.

In this call, I will share my most passionate Soul Pattern™ Frequencies, clear any self-love and self-hatred blocks, and unleash your passionate and sexy inner goddess!!

We will be:

  • Activating our Yoni Chakras
  • Running 11 Soul Pattern™ Frequencies: Sacred Sexuality, Sexual Trauma Be Gone, Permission to have sex, Permission to Dream, Permission to Fantasize, Mermaid Sex Goddess, True Beauty, Sexual Chemistry, One true love, Inner Tiger, and Venus.
  • Removing false beliefs around our sexuality and sex in general
  • Removing past life trauma around being abused, raped or neglected.
  • Downloads that it’s safe to experience orgasms
  • Helping you feel BEAUTIFUL and SEXY 💋 no matter what your marital status is

– An added bonus: feeling GOOD helps you manifest a lot more.

Anxiety Call

Anxiety Call

One of the biggest monsters we can face doesn’t have horns…it’s completely invisible: it’s our fear.

I have dealt with anxiety, depression, PTSD and depression, worry, panic, often times alone. I healed myself of PTSD (undiagnosed) at age 14.  Luckily, nowadays I am well supported and I have developed valuable tools that allow me to find my centre.

If you struggle with these emotions, this call is for you.

We will run Soul Pattern scripts to remove what is causing these issues, belief clearing, allergy healing and pattern clearing. We will even create a new reality  where these issues do not exist.

We will also:

  • Rewire your brain to get out of fight or flight.
  • Show you tips and tricks, rituals and insights in to how to prevent panic and anxiety.
  • Do some EFT tapping on all these emotions.

With special guest, EFT/TFT practitioner Bernie Bowman.

Meet Bernie Bowman Certified EFT & TFT Practitioner

Bernie Bowman, a trauma survivor who lost three family members to violent crimes, is a certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner and a Thought Field Therapy (TFT) practitioner.

For nearly a decade, she diligently tried everything she could find to overcome the debilitating and life- changing symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

For years she suffered from insomnia, intense grief, hyper-vigilance, panic attacks and anxiety. She is 100% PTSD free and feeling fabulous as a result of EFT and TFT.

Her passion is now facilitating the healing process for clients through individual and group tapping sessions. She has first-hand experience of the damage that trauma can cause in life. Her mission is to transform her clients’ trauma into triumph.

Emotions Clearing

Emotions Clearing

Would you like to be able to zap emotions in seconds?

I put together a short recording that will do just that.

This recording is good when you need to move on from an issue, but you must be ready to release the emotion at hand or it will come back. In fact, I would listen to the recording regularly if you struggle with the emotion.

It will clear anger, sadness, grief, jealousy, and envy from your Soul Pattern, as well as clear the allergies to these.

I also include an alternate recording, which will cover any emotion of your choice and the allergy associated to it.

Divine Womb Trauma Release

Divine Womb Trauma Release

We may not realize it, but when our wombs are carrying trauma or not functioning properly, it will prevent you from manifesting effectively, create unworthiness and lack, and may even create physical problems due to the trapped emotions.

If you’ve had:

  • One or more miscarriages
  • A history of rape or physical abuse
  • Hormonal issues
  • Cysts, tumors or any issues in your uterus

I invite you to listen to this call, where I clear trapped emotions, remove trauma, clear your allergies and maybe even do some psychic surgery  I let Sophia guide me! This is a very affordable call as I want everyone to have this.

Clear your Shaman Trauma

Clear your Shaman Trauma

This recording is a powerful shaman circle, sisterhood, to burn and relinquish the chains that set us in victimhood. Ending the stigmas, judgements and layers of false beliefs.

All of this is holding us back from being the sovereign beings of light that we so naturally are. Happiness and joy are birthrights. We are no longer required to struggle to survive. Some of the things I’ll be touching on:

  • Past lifetime trauma of having to be alone, and isolated
  • Trauma from being deprived of love
  • Trauma from being deprived of a family, husband/wife, children
  • Poverty contracts not accepting money for your abilities and practice, including being medicine woman or man.
  • Removing any patterns around creating misery and pain in your life just to create content and earn a living

I will also run several frequencies and awaken your Shamanic DNA, Earth, Fire, Water, and Air DNA, and bringing your energy into the 11th dimension. These will activate your inner balance. Allowing you to experience and flow with each element in a new intensity.

Inner Child Call

Inner Child Call

Heal your inner child wounds and remove your false beliefs around embracing your child-like wonder on this magical call recording.

Remove Oaths, Vows and Contracts from Healing Naturally

Remove Oaths, Vows and Contracts from Healing Naturally

As I was spending time with my relatives, I heard them speak about how they knew people who refused western medicine treatments, and who passed as a result.

This shocked me. I tuned in afterwards to ask why this would happen, and I heard they had soul contracts. I learned that we have accumulated these all the way back from the medieval times when we would try to heal ourselves and it failed (and or couldn’t afford a doctor back then).

I have recorded something to remove these oaths, vows and contracts, and false beliefs around natural medicine/healing naturally/through energy healing as well as removing the veil around western medicine.

Winter Wellness

This one hour recording is ideal for the winter and holiday months where we are prone to colds and flus. It will remove allergies, replenish your body of vitamins and minerals energetically, and grant you immunity to viruses and bacterias.

Higher Self Attunement

Higher Self Attunement

I recently recorded a Higher Self Healing attunement, which helps you allow your higher self to do heavy lifting with healing (the way I sometimes do in healing sessions!). This is ideal if you’re still working on your healing practice. I mentioned it earlier in the Facebook Live and wanted to mention it again. 💜

It’s a very quick but very powerful healing upgrade I’m offering for $55 if you’re interested!

Morning and Evening Meditations

Morning and Evening Meditations

If you struggle with finding time to clear your energy daily…this is for you!

I have recorded two separate recordings, one to clear your energy in the morning, and one to clear it before bedtime. I’ve been using them for a few weeks now, and I love the cleansing feeling I get 💜 They’re like pressing the reset button!!

I’m offering the set of 2 together.

Summer 2019 Frequencies

Summer 2019 Frequencies

As a summer treat, I have recorded the following frequencies along with a 44 Strand Ocean DNA activation, that will uplift your energy and get you in tune with nature!!

  • Strawberry: Increases your self worth, helps you “wear your crown” and “be sweet”. Increases your flirtatious abilities 😘
  • Sacred Sensuality: Bring you into your sacred feminine flow, helping you love your body and honor it like never before. Increases your feminine attraction.
  • Flower of Emotion: Brings your emotions into full and complete balance. Helps lighten your mood.
  • Butterfly: Helps you remember how you unique and special you are. Activated your etheric wings. Raises your consciousness. Helps you feel light and limitless.
  • 44 Strands of Ocean DNA: Helps you be more in tune with the ocean, it’s currents and tides. May make you a better swimmer. Helps you remember your mermaid essence and be more in tune with the ocean’s living beings.
  • Golden Money Tree Attunement: Upgrades your money “roots”, “branches” and mindset. The roots being your lineage, family karma and beliefs, ovc’s. Helps you have the Midas touch so all your projects flow and you are aligned to receive.
  • One with Nature: Allows you to see the beauty of the world around you. Allows you to feel apart of nature. As humans we have disconnected from nature, and thus will help you feel closer to our true home on earth.
Digestive Organ Cleanser

Digestive Organ Cleanser

I’ve recorded a super powerful call to cleanse all your digestive organs!! This entails any toxins, negative/trapped emotions, and trauma stored in them. It’s incredibly powerful, I was feeling all the effects as I was doing it!!!

As a bonus I included a craving removal, and a food allergy clearing as well, for the food allergy of your choice

It’s about 20 minutes long, and you can listen to it asleep or awake

Energetic Maintenance Package

Energetic Maintenance Package

This package includes 4 recordings:

  • The Chakra Balancer: We should cleanse our chakras daily! This will balance and clear them of any negativity. It’s about 8 minutes long. Can be listened to in your sleep or awake. It’s an extremely intelligent energy that will focus naturally on the chakras you need the most clearing on. Extremely powerful!!!
  • A Soul Pattern Disconnect: Will clear cords, and attachments to an unhealthy relationship. Simply think of the person when listening, and in the highest and best way, you will be free of them energetically.
    (If by chance this person comes back in your reality, there are more lessons to learn from them in the highest good) This will still help clear anything that doesn’t serve you with their regard.
  • False Beliefs Clearing: Will release any and all false beliefs you are ready to at this moment.
  • Energetic Degunk: Clears your energy field of any stagnant energy, anything you may have “picked up”. Leaving you feeling sparkly!
Find Your Alignment Package

Find Your Alignment Package

This recording is designed to get you into full alignment in life and business, as well as remove self sabotage, and infuse motivation into your Soul Pattern. You can listen to it every other day for good results.

You can also check out some FREE recordings over on the freebie section.